Switchgear Life Extension: Replacement of Electromechanical Overcurrent Re
Electromechanical overcurrent relays such as the IAC and CO are the historical backbone of a power system’s protection. These relays use delicate mechanisms and precision components to develop their operating characteristics. Thus, they are subject to misoperation and failure due to contamination, corrosion, and simple aging. They require frequent testing and recalibration to ensure proper operation. Proper operation is, of course, essential to prevent unnecessary outages and/or extensive damage due to overloads and faults.
This Application Note explores the solutions the Basler BE1-50/51B provides to these problems and the benefits provided by convenient and effective retrofits.
Replacing Electromechanical Relays
When faced with electromechanical overcurrent relay obsolescence, a chemical facility in the Midwest chose to upgrade to Basler BE1-50/51B-214 Time Overcurrent relays. Seventy-two relays were installed as direct “plug and play” replacements for existing electromechanical General Electric type “IAC” relays.
The microprocessor-based BE1-50/51B requires less maintenance and improves flexibility and reliability. Basler’s retrofit relays are designed to be installed in the existing GE case, so no wiring changes or panel work is required. This provides for a simple, economical way to upgrade from aging relays without the expense of completely redesigning and rewiring your systems to accept currently available functional replacements.
Read more with an approved Basler account.
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